Posting Guidelines

Home Posting Guidelines

Prohibited Listings

  • Illegal or Stolen Items: Items that are illegal or involved in illegal activities.
  • Firearms and Ammunition: Guns, rifles, shotguns, and other firearms. Ammunition, explosives, and related accessories.
  • Drugs and Pharmaceuticals: Illegal drugs, narcotics, or controlled substances. Prescription medications without proper authorization.
  • Counterfeit or Pirated Goods: Counterfeit products or imitation goods. Pirated software, movies, music, or other intellectual property.
  • Hazardous Materials: Items containing hazardous materials or chemicals. Explosives, flammable substances, or toxic materials.
  • Stolen Property: Stolen or illegally obtained property.
  • Endangered Species and Wildlife Products: Items made from endangered species. Wildlife products protected by international regulations.
  • Human Organs or Body Parts: Any part or organ of the human body.
  • Adult Content: Pornographic material or explicit adult content.
  • Hate Speech and Offensive Material: Items promoting hate speech, discrimination, or offensive content.
  • Fake IDs and Forged Documents: Counterfeit identification documents. Forged passports, driver’s licenses, or other official documents.
  • Stolen Personal Information: Personal information obtained through illegal means.
  • Unsubstantiated Health Claims: Products making false or unverified health claims.
  • Tobacco and Vaping Products: Cigarettes, cigars, vaping products, or related accessories.
  • Gambling and Betting Services: Services related to illegal gambling or betting.
  • Duplicate Listings: Clutter the platform and confuse potential buyers, so it’s important to avoid posting multiple ads for the same item.

Please do not use for these purposes. Any listing containing the following prohibited items will result in listing deletion and/or account termination with possible legal action.